Lets start with simple questions. There will be a maximum of 3 questions per post.
Q1: What is the difference between SRAM and DRAM ?
A: Both are volatile memories.(data is lost when powered off) But, SRAM need not be periodically refreshed as compared to DRAM. DRAM stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor. It can either be charged or discharged. (either to 1 or 0).
Since capacitor leak charge, the data fades unless the capacitor is refreshed periodically.
This marks the difference between SRAM and DRAM.
This marks the difference between SRAM and DRAM.
Q2: Design a posedge/negedge/edge dectector circuit ?
A: Basically, edge detector circuits are used during bit synchronisation from one clock domain to the other. Below circuit will explain in detail:
Posedge detection circuit:
Below is the Waveform explaining explaining the circuit:
Negedge Detection circuit:
Below is the Waveform explaining the circuit:
Edge detection circuit:
Below is the Waveform explaining the cicuit: